Collective Intelligence Operating System (CIOS)

  1. Introduction
    1. Compendium
    2. Platform supports
    3. Environments
    4. System prerequisites
      1. Libraries
      2. Compliation

  2. Modules
  3. Topics
  4. Applications


`CIOS` stands for Collective Intelligence Operating System, which is the fundamental system of an anthropomorphic intelligent machinery. The origin of `CIOS` was inspired by Anthropomorphism and Human Machine Symbiosis. Fragments of `CIOS` could be traced back to 2003 and the up coming developments. The goal of simulating human behavior was first achieved at late 2012 after 9 years long development with hardships.

In comparison with Robot Operating System (ROS), `CIOS` is more focus on Knowledge management, deduction, learning process and self-awareness rather than mechanic control.  However, if you are looking for an advanced Robot Operating System, `CIOS` might be a good alternative since CIOS equiped with a default mechanic control mechanism and can function very well for Robot control purpose.

The scale of CIOS source code is currently about 3 millions lines and depends on other 600+ external libraries.  CIOS can act as a standalone OS or run on several platforms, which is Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android and iPhone OS.

To act as a standalone OS and run on target OS platforms, CIOS uses a technique called `Arena`.  CIOS system runs on all system lives in a `Arena` that created and deployed on the target system.  Another invention of CIOS is to integrated several running CIOS system into one - called CIOS mind-meld.  Therefore, OS became a subsystem of CIOS, not the other way around.

Another advanced invention of CIOS is the `Grand link` mode, which is a large scale of distributed computing system and enable a standalone CIOS system share and cooperate with the other CIOS system to increase the learning process level.

Such design can be used to interact with human and machines, so human and machine can achieve the goal of Human Machine Symbiosis and help each other to achieve something they can not accomplish by themself.

Platform supports


Arena directories structure - Normally `CIOS` is the root directory name, regardless its top level path.

CIOS was designed to be able to program itself.  Therefore, there are no distinsction between development version and application version.  All CIOSes are equiped with developer's toolchains.  However, for security reason, there are autonomous mode and symbiosis mode.  Under symbiosis mode, execution permissions are set by human partners.  Autonomous mode can decide its own execution, which in sometime Machine personality may possibly be taken over by virus.

A CIOS developed application has the following common structure.

System prerequisites


  1. Qt (5.2.0)
    1. Linux 32
    2. Linux 64
    3. Mac OS X Clang 64
    4. Windows 7 / 32
    5. Windows 7 / 64
    6. Android
    7. iPhone OS
  2. MySQL
  3. PostgreSQL
  4. Firebird SQL
  5. XZ Utils
  6. GNU GMP
  8. GNU GSL
  9. FFTW
  10. OpenCV
  11. Boost
  12. cURL
  13. FFmpeg
  14. ITK
  15. libDAI
  16. libtorrent
  17. CMU sphinx
  18. ZLib
  19. OpenSSL
  20. libSSH2
  21. STLport
  22. FLite
  23. eSpeak (assimilated and enhanced by CIOS Vocal Module since 1.47.11)
  24. UDT4 (assimilated and enhanced by CIOS Network Module)
  25. UPnP
  26. CGAL
  27. GAUL
  28. Gambit
  29. GnuPG
  30. oSIP
  31. FANN
  32. MLPACK
  33. FLANN
  34. D Bus
  35. OpenAL
  36. OpenCL
  37. OpenVG
  38. R
  39. Common LISP (ECL)
  40. Prolog (SWI)
  41. SciLab
  42. MXE
  43. Win-Builds
  44. YASM
  45. FontConfig
  46. FreeType
  47. GnuTLS
  48. libiconv
  49. Frei0r
  50. AAC+ (HE-AAC)
  51. Portable ASS/SSA subtitle renderer
  52. libbluray
  53. OGG
  54. caca labs
  55. FreeDB
  56. CDIO
  57. DC1394
  58. FAAC
  59. FAAD
  60. Fraunhofer FDK AAC
  61. Game Music Emu
  62. GSM
  63. IEC61883
  64. iLBC
  65. LAME
  66. OpenCORE-AMR
  67. OpenJPEG
  68. Opus
  69. quvi
  70. Schroednger
  71. libshine
  72. libsoxr
  73. libstagefright
  74. libao
  75. Speedx
  76. Theora
  77. FLAC
  78. TwoLAME
  79. Ut Video
  80. vid.stab
  81. VisualOn AAC
  82. VisualOn AMR-WB
  83. Vorbis
  84. libvpx
  85. WavPack
  86. x264
  87. XAVS
  88. Xvid
  89. ZeroMQ
  90. ZVBI
  91. Valgrind
  92. QuickFIX
  93. Tox
  94. PRAAT
  95. libxml2
  96. libpcap
  97. Armadillo
  98. portaudio
  99. libjpeg-turbo
  100. Castor
  101. AD Mobile
  102. LZO
  103. ZIP
  104. PKZIP
  105. LHA
  106. RAR
  107. 7z (LZMA)
  108. UCL
  109. UPX
  110. STUN
  111. reTurn
  112. diffutils
  113. SimString



  1. Compression
  2. Transformers
  3. Linguistics
  4. N Programming Language


CIOS applications mostly uses Exciton system to be the common library.  There are currently about 63 modules in Exciton system, 32 of them are migrating from the previous version `Rishon`, the others are pending for a scheduled working time.

  1. Base
  2. Sql
  3. Math
  4. Fuzzy
  5. Calendar
  6. Network
  7. Cryptography
  8. Geography
  9. Multimedia
  10. Vocal
  11. Linguistics
  12. Inference
  13. Autonomy
  14. Foundation
  15. Forth
  16. LISP
  17. Prolog
  18. NLC
  19. MIME
  20. Automation
  21. Tasks
  22. Gui
  23. Cognitive
  24. Common
  25. Analog
  26. Photography
  27. Business
  28. Human
  29. AV (Audio and Video)
  30. Forex
  31. Marketing
  32. Expertimental
  33. Domination


Different platforms have different applications.

  1. Mac OS X Clang 64 bits
  2. Linux 32 bits applications
  3. Linux 64 bits applications
  4. Windows 7 / 32 bits applications
  5. Windows 7 / 64 bits applications
  6. Android ARMv7 32 bits applications
  7. iPhone OS 7 ARMv7 32 bits applications
  8. iPad ARMv7 64 bits applications